Monday, December 3, 2007

Cry me a river once again

Appears the MSM thinks the bailout is not enough. Asshats like Alan Zibel think that the notion of someone honoring a contract is like you-know, so old fashioned and mean. I mean in Joe 6-Pack signed a note saying he would pay 5% for 2 years and then pay 7% or even 9% thereafter, why that is simply unfair. He should get to pay 5% for life. What Mr. Zibel is saying is that the average mortgage borrower is simply too idiotic to read a contract or understand its contents. No Mr. Zibel, the average American is too greedy to live within his means. The average American is a gluttonous whore to materialism and possessions. Joe 6-Pack has to have the Hummer/Suburban. He has to have the 90" LCD. And damn it he will have those things whether he can afford it or not. And how dare those evil banks take those God given rights away from him? Pursuit of Happiness now means happiness subsidized by the taxpayer.

I expect this kind of stupidity from the MSM. I expect this kind of stupidity from CNBC. I was hoping that a Republican administration would not go along with such stupidity.

So if this isn't enough what will satisfy the MSM, Bush, Hillary and the rest of them? I can see the Hillary 2012 campaign line now.


Bribing people with free stuff worked like a charm for FDR and every Democrat since. Guess it was only a matter of time before the Republicans joined into the fun.

But Alas just like FDR's New Deal did nothing to alleviate the Great Depression, neither will any of these schemes. For 80 years socialists have tried and have failed. You'd think they'd learn their lessons by now. You'd think people would stop voting for them by now.

You'd think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, y'know, Bill always enjoyed a hummer in the oval office... ;-)