Friday, January 4, 2008

RTH, My late Christmas gift

Bought $90 Jan '08 puts when it was at $94 and some more when it was at $96. Sold those puts today and did achieve that 350% return I was hoping for as RTH plunged to $87.50 this morning.

Now I'm not sure what to do. I'm debating getting back into metals. I was in SLV (Silver) earlier this year and sold that at $155. It's now in the $150 range and it is tempting. But I keep getting this uneasy feeling that both gold and silver are over valued. Even with the plunging dollar, I have reservations about metals.

The Russell 2000 (small cap is down about 10% in the past week. Deservedly so for the most part, but maybe oversold short term relative to everything else. I can see a little bounce for this index next week. Especially is the FED WILL SAVE UP momentum starts back up again. Tempted to pick up a couple of calls on this for the very short term.

Long term I am still holding to my earlier call that the S&P500 will get to 1325 at which point I will be buying.


Anonymous said...

short/ or buy puts on:

big debt = big losers

Anonymous said...

I like SRS myself