Saturday, December 27, 2008

Marines to Obama: meh

Here is something very unsurprising; the Marines aren't too fond of The Lord Savior Obama. While Obama was in Hawaii kicking it old school at his $25M oceanfront mansion - while you know, thinking up ways to help us 'po middle class folk - he decided to make a PR appearance at a Marine Base.

This is the reception he got:

As Obama entered the room, it was absent of the regular fanfare of cheering and clapping. The diners were polite, staying seated at their respective tables and waited for the president-elect to come to them to stand up.

The absent fanfare is the fanfare that Bush could count on at any appearance he made. Whatever faults Bush had - and he had many - I don't think any sane person could say he didn't respect the military. You could argue about the Iraq war's merits, but again, no sane person will say Bush hates the military.

On the other hand Obama has made it clear on numerous occasions over decades what he thinks of the military.

And as usual for Obama, actions speak loudest.

The president-elect spent about an hour with the troops. Obama transition aides say that Obama did not eat with the uniformed men and women -- he ate at his beach home with his family and friends Christmas night.

Wow, a whole hour break from his Hawaii beach vacation to mingle with the masses. What a hero. And seriously, you expect Sir Barry to dine with uniformed men and women? Ugh. That would mean the possibility of touching one of them and catching some sort of disease. No, no, no. Much safer to eat dinner in the friendly confines of the $25M beach house with leftists like Bill Ayres who blows up military installations.

What a piece of filth this man is.



Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding with those comments. Or should i say how else can you keep bull#### going other than to act as if bill ayers and barack obama are the same man, or of the same cloth. Or maybe i should say yours is slipping a little. As in can't see your eyes through the holes anymore.

Ed said...

Right you are. Ayres is just a casual acquaintance of Barry's....who happened to have launch party for Obama's campaign. I know I have people I barely know throw parties in my honor all the time. Don't you?

Only a kool-aid drinking Obamatron thinks Ayres and Obama are not of the same cloth.

Anonymous said...

Piece of filth?

You mean Obama is a piece of filth because he doesn't respect the concept of endless war and killing? That has nothing to do with his respect for the military.

Why don't you find something more productive to do with your time? Or perhaps you simply have nothing else to do with your time?

Ed said...

Another imbecile liberal who has no clue.

Did you know that your precious Lord Savior Hussein said he will send another 30K troops to Afghanistan?

And did you also know that he has said he will not immediately pull out of Iraq?

Did DailyKos not cover that topic yet?

Anonymous said...

calm down eddy boy.

Anonymous said...

Whether you like it or not Obama will be your commander in chief! So get off your high horses and get over it!

Apparently, unlike in 2000 and 2004, the right to say "He's not MY President!" no longer exists. The 'tolerance' and 'celebration of diversity' of the Left strikes again ...

Anonymous said...

Just so you know: Fact the marines were told not to get up or have their dinner disturbed with fanfare because President Elect Obama did not want this to be a publicity stunt, but rather a humble visit to the troops. They inturn were humbled by his visit. And as for the 30k troops that are going to Afganistan, Just ask Pat's mom if 30k troops were there in the begining instead of being in Iraq fighting for oil control as opposed to fighting terrorists, Her son would still be here. And let us not forget, Bush and his people lied to a greiving mother and father about their son's untimely dimise and how later they were found out to be the liars the have been for the last 8 years. Dude, wether you like blacks or not, Have respect for the incoming leader of our country and lets stand as one. Because the last time I checked, terrorists don't care if your black, white, asian, or latin. If your an american they are going to try to harm or kill you.

Anonymous said...

You're just another bitter republican loser. Face the facts Ed, after the incompetent administration we've had to endure for the past 8 years this country is in desperate need of a leader who actually has a brain in his head and a kind heart and concern for the entire United States of America and all its citizens not just the wealthy and well connected. Why do think the marines are not fond of him? I know plenty of military people who voted for him and are thrilled by the thought of new leadership and finally seeing and end to the Iraq war.

Unknown said...

Bad news for you Eddy, brother in law was one of those Marines and he was told specifically that to stand down was the order of the day. As you should know, the stand and salute order is the standard for all military, an order is given to announce the presence of the highest ranking officer. Whether it be the Commander in Chief or or any General that would be present. The Marines wouldve normally gotten up uniformly to the command of "eyes right" and saluted. Obama's countermand was not to perform this standard order, so as not to disturb their dinner or make muchado about his visit.

Anonymous said...

The Marines and Sailors were seated when he arrived because he is not yet Commander-in-Chief. If he was he would have merited an "Attention on Deck" by the Personnel and an "As you were" by him. That's not racist, it's Military Etiquette. He's not the Boss, YET. Just another Civilian, Mk1, Mod0 like the rest of us until he is sworn in.

As for the whole Bill Ayres thing, you are viewed by others, right or wrong, by the company you keep or have kept.

As for the war(s) we are in, Support the Troops. Period.

Anonymous said...

And by pointing out who is a pathetic whiney loser and making insults you have in fact become a pathetic whiney loser that makes insults. Good for you! You get a Gub-ment grant on the tax payers!

Anonymous said...

The person who said that he is not the Commander in Chief yet, and that if he was would merit an "Attention on deck" and an "As you were" is correct. Obama will get the same treatment after 1/20/09. This is a non-issue.

--Former Marine 0-3, current Republican.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Marines don't salute indoors unless they are under arms, which they were not.

P.P.S. My brother-in-law is a doctor, but I will admit I don't know $#!+ about medicine.

Anonymous said...

what a joke LORD BARRY is all this ex marine can see he is out for Barry and not the for the men and women who put their butts on the line for this country in case some of your bedwetter liberl comenters dont know or see these folks are in the service to serve our country no political rewards just service I hate war as I was in one but what we are doing now is justified keep up the good writings

Anonymous said...

what a joke LORD BARRY is all this ex marine can see he is out for Barry and not the for the men and women who put their butts on the line for this country in case some of your bedwetter liberl comenters dont know or see these folks are in the service to serve our country no political rewards just service I hate war as I was in one but what we are doing now is justified keep up the good writings

Ed said...

Geez the Obamatrons are in full swing tonight. Full moon?

Weren't you people the ones who said dissent is the greatest form of patriotism? Hmm guess that ends now that Lord Barry is in the house.

Weren't you people also the ones who said always question the president. Not anymore.

You dimwits can spin this anyway you want. Askyourselves this question: do you think the same treatment would have been shown had McCain shown up instead? You know very well what the answer is.

But I don't blame you cretins for feeling the way you do. You are liberals, who know nothing about your boy wonder. Only 2% of you could answer even the most basic questions about him.

Here are the results of the poll conducted by Zogby:

Pathetic is too kind to describe you people.

Anonymous said...

Marines understand that the Usurper in chief gets no honors other than ones confered by the office which he doesn't quite have just yet. Oh and what a party that'll be. Not even sworn in yet and up to his nipples in scandals...

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of whiny ass republican makes me sick hearing all the whiny bull****.At least now we have a cmdr in cheif whose not afraid to question what are we doing? As a former marine who also has a son in iraq now its good to know someone with a shred of logic will finally be in office. There are more important things on tap than just wrecking the economy & making wall street CEOs richer.

Ed said...

anon 12:10,

Here is another little piece of trivia the DailyKos didn't provide for you. Fannie Mae's CEO, is an Obama adviser. Yes that Fannie Mae and yes that Obama.

And if you want to see rich CEOs, just wait until mid-09 when the "stimulus" money starts getting spent. Union bosses and CEOs of construction companies will make more money than you can imagine.

The entire stimulus package is nothing but payback for union support. Not a mile of road will actually be built with the $1T in spending. But a lot of new $10M houses for the union bosses will be built. That you can count on.

But you go on thinking this pig of a man is doing what's best for you if you must.

Anonymous said...

I posted the "attention on Deck" comment.

Retired Boatswains Mate Master Chief. Yeah, so I think I know a litle about honors and protocols.